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News Location:Home-News
Analysis on China Speed Reducer Industry Development Prospect in 2014
编辑时间:2014-4-16 13:54:05    浏览次数:2158    返回

According to the Report of Market Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning on China Speed Reducer Industry (2014-2018), there was an overall increasing trend for the business indicators of China speed reducer manufacturing industry in 2011-2012, and in 2012 the gross industrial output value reached RMB 65.808 billion, growing by 8.06 compared to last year; and the sales revenue increased 7.23 to RMB 64.365 billion; the total assets and liabilities of the industry were RMB 52.378 billion and RMB 26.805 respectively. Under the new statistical caliber, in 2012 there were 439 companies above industrial size (RMB 20 million), 74701 employees and RMB 4.704 billion total profit.

According to the Report of Market Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning On China Speed Reducer Industry (2013-2017) released by the Prospects Industry Research Institute, the downstream applicable industries of speed reducers mainly include the various national economy and defense industries such as lifting transportation, cement building materials, heavy mining, metallurgy, electric power, aviation and marine sectors. Due to the powerful downstream market, China speed reducer industry development is promising.

Forward web forecasts that China speed reducer industry will keep the rapid growth momentum during the “12th five year”. Combining the development situation of China speed reducer industry and domestic and abroad macroeconomic trend from 2003 to 2012, it is predicted that an annual growth rate above 10 will be achieved for China speed reducer industry, and the revenue scale of the speed reducer industry will exceed RMB 100 billion in 2017.

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